Kami dari Trust Performance Inc, salah satu inkubator bisnis yang berbasis di Jakarta mengajak rekan-rekan semua untuk bergabung bersama kami menjadi salah satu bagian dari Digital Marketing Strategist yang akan menangani proyek-proyek social media campaign dari usaha binaan atau klien-klien kami. Posisi ini cocok bagi rekan-rekan yang ingin menimba pengalaman secara profesional untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pemasaran secara online, khususnya pemasaran menggunakan social media.
Digital Marketing Strategist
(Part Time: est. 4 hours per day)
Job Description
- Create an exciting and valuable content experience for community across multiple platforms and brand/show pages through the daily social media editorial calendar.
- Grow and foster engaged social media communities while supporting the brand in achieving business objectives (i.e. 5,000 FB group likes or 1,000 app download within certain time period) and monitor, respond to and moderate social media conversations on managed platforms.
- Commit portion of some evenings (~1/week) to creating social media conversation in conjunction with key shows and develop relationships with social media vendors and platform contacts.
- Track, analyze, optimize and report on social media programs to help meet objectives
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
- Savvy and knowledgeable about current social media trends, innovations and best practices
- Highly creative, strategic thinker with ability to develop fresh, executable ideas that support the brand initiatives
- Understand basic concept of creative writing, digital content and marketing communication principles
- Active and engaged participant in multiple social media platforms
- In-depth knowledge of social media platforms and their users (Facebook, Twitter, Path, Google+, Instagram, etc.)
Bachelor’s degree OR final year student favorably in well know Universities
- Attractive compensation with flexible working hour and location
- Opportunity to work and network with highly creative and well experienced people in Indonesia start up world
Bagi teman-teman yang ingin bertanya terkait job description dengan lebih lengkap atau ingin segera mengirimkan CV dapat dikirim ke alamat hrd@truperinc.co.id. Jika ada pertanyaan, feel free to ask untuk bertanya ke alamat email tersebut.
Sumber: skmp.us/lokertrust
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